A traveller look at the airport tarmac

Can You Take Vapes on a Plane? The Ultimate Guide to Vaping On Planes & Travelling

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re currently planning a trip abroad and are wondering, “Can you take vapes on a plane?” The short answer is yes, you can take your vape on a plane, but you will need to put it in your carry-on or hand luggage.

So, will you get your vape through security? How do you store a vape on a plane? Well, in this guide, we will be discussing everything you need to know when travelling with a vape.

Vaping on planes: common questions answered

  1. Can I Take my Vape on the Plane?
  2. Can I Vape on the Plane?
  3. Can I Use my Vape in the Airport?
  4. Specific Airline Policies on Vaping
  5. Travelling With Your Vape
  6. How do I Buy Vape Juice and Refills Abroad?
  7. Vaping Etiquette Around The World
  8. How to Take Care of your Vape While Abroad

Can I Take my Vape on the Plane?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can take your vape on a plane. But you’ll need to pack your vape, vape pen, or device in your carry-on/hand luggage.

Airlines don’t allow vapes or e-cigarettes to be placed in the hold, so if you put yours in your checked baggage, this could cause delays. This is due to the fact that electronic cigarettes exclusively utilise lithium batteries, same as laptops and most mobile phones.

Lithium batteries CANNOT be stored in the plane’s cargo hold due to fire hazards, so much like your laptop you will be expected to keep your e cigarette on you at all times and not to leave it unattended.

When packing for your upcoming trip, the e cigarette, vape or vape pen itself will need to be placed in your hand luggage. Any extra refills and e liquids can be packed in your hold luggage.

If you do decide to take refills with you, it’s a good idea to place them in a plastic bag or container, as changes in cabin air pressure can cause vape tanks to leak.

Expert tip: The best way to take your vape on a plane is with a vape carry case. There is plenty of space for various liquids, batteries and vape accessories. A vape case also makes it easy to keep track of your vape kit when you’re on the move, without wasting time rummaging around in the bottom of your bag.

Can I Take My Disposable Vape On a Plane?

Yes, you can take your disposable vape on a plane. Again, it should be stored in your carry-on or hand-on luggage, not your checked baggage.

Can I Take Vape Juice / E-liquid on a Plane?

Yes, you can take a vape juice or e-liquid on a plane, but be sure to keep an eye on how many e-liquids you’re transporting because your carry-on luggage can only contain a limit of 100mls of any variety of liquid.

From water to pesto, e-liquid to honey, if it’s runny, you’re out of luck. If you would like to take deodorant, toothpaste, makeup, or any other toiletries on the plane, then make sure you don’t try taking any short-fill bottles with you because that will leave you with very little allowance left for other liquids.

Can I Vape On a Plane?

No, you can’t vape on a plane. Under no circumstances should you EVER attempt to use a vape on a plane.

The only reason you’re carrying it onboard is because lithium batteries are forbidden from checked in luggage. Being caught using a vape on a plane can carry severe legal penalties and we discourage this behaviour to the utmost degree – the selfishness of one vaper can have devastating consequences for the movement as a whole.

Do not try and be clever or sly; airlines have long since installed detectors in their on-board toilets to identify those trying to quietly vape during a flight.

Only last year a passenger was arrested and received a lifetime ban from Spirit Airlines after being detected vaping in the airplane toilet. His claim that he was ignorant of the rule was ruled irrelevant and he was banned for life after being met by sheriffs on the tarmac at Louis Armstrong National Airport in New Orleans.

Can I Use My Vape at the Airport?

Not only is the use of e cigarettes banned on planes, they’re now restricted at all UK airports.

Once you’re inside the terminal you won’t be able to vape until you have arrived at your destination and found a designated smoking or vaping area. Some UK airports do have designated smoking areas where vaping is allowed, but these are usually located outside or away from the terminal.

Some UK airports do not have their vaping and smoking policies freely available, therefore we highly advise that you check with your departure airport before you travel to check whether or not you will be able to use your e cigarette before boarding.

E cigarettes don’t produce tobacco smoke, therefore the risks of passive smoking don’t apply to vaping, although it is advised not to vape around babies and pregnant women.

The NHS website states that ‘research into this area is ongoing, but it seems that e cigs release negligible amounts of nicotine into the atmosphere and the limited evidence available suggests that any risk from passive vaping to bystanders is small relative to tobacco cigarettes.’

Despite these safety claims, airports and airlines have still chosen to enforce a no-vaping policy.

Specific Airline Policies on Vaping

Every airline has their own set of rules and regulations when it comes to travelling with e cigarettes. Here we break down some of the most popular airlines vaping policies.

In general, you are allowed to take your e cigarettes on board, but you’re not allowed to use them.

All airlines have banned the use of e cigarettes on planes. Remember that lithium batteries cannot be packed in your hold luggage, they must be carefully packed in your hand luggage.

  • Easy Jet: “All electronic cigarettes and a maximum of two spare batteries in a carry-on and on one’s person.”
  • British Airways: “Electronic cigarettes may be carried in hand luggage but must not be used on board.”
  • Emirates: “All Emirates flights are non-smoking – this also includes the use of e-cigarettes. No e-cigarettes can be used on board Emirates flights.”
  • Virgin Atlantic: “Electronic cigarettes are a device that looks like a cigarette and works by creating a vapor, which contains nicotine. Electronic cigarettes are NOT permitted to be used onboard our aircraft”
  • Quantas Airlines: “The use and charging of all e-cigarettes and other personal vaporisers are not permitted on board an aircraft. They must be carried in hand luggage.”

As you can see, while the language regarding vapes on planes may differ from company to company, the message is ultimately the same – keep your vape in your hand luggage and do not use your vape on the plane under any circumstances.

How do I Buy Vape Juice and Refills Abroad?

If you’re going to be away from home for a while, you’ll probably need to buy refills for your vape, unless you pack the exact amount of extras in your hold baggage, which might be tricky if you’re backpacking.

It’s important to be aware that not all countries allow the sale of e-liquid. Whilst some have banned the sale of cartridges, others only allow nicotine-free products to be sold or limit the amount of nicotine that’s allowed in the refills. In some countries, such as Thailand, the use of e-cigarettes is banned altogether, with a penalty of 10 years in prison if you are convicted.

Other countries to avoid include Singapore and certain Indian territories, all of which have strict vaping regulations and hefty fines.

Other places, such as Dubai and other parts of the UAE, have recently softened their views on vaping but still maintain strict regulations and forbid their use in certain places such as sites of worship, educational facilities and medical centres.

Expert Tip: If you are not sure if vaping is allowed in the country that you will be travelling to, read our Countries Where Vaping Is Illegal and Legal guide.

Vaping laws and regulations are changing all the time, so we advise that you always check the rules and regulations of the country you’re visiting using the foreign office website before you travel.

If you’ve already checked and confirmed that you’re travelling to a vape-friendly territory, finding e-liquid is as simple as at home, though you may have to adopt some local customs. In some European countries, for instance, you may only be able to purchase nicotine products from licensed ‘tabacs,’ aka tobacconist stores.

Also, be sure to consider the strength of the vape liquid you’re purchasing – the UK has hard limits on nicotine strength in e-liquid, with a maximum of 20mg.

In the United States, at the time of writing, it isn’t difficult to find 56mg e-liquid, FAR stronger than what you’re used to.

Even if you find this super-strong e-liquid enjoyable, you may be unable to bring it back home because its extremely high strength violates the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).

How to Take Care of Your Vape While Abroad

It’s not just humans who need protection from the sun and heat. Heat, light, and air are the three main enemies of e-liquid.

If you leave your e-liquid out in direct sunshine, the heat and UV light could potentially cause the molecules in the e-liquid to interact with one another, which could alter the flavour of your e-liquid. So, if you can, leave your e-liquid in your hotel room when you go sunbathing.

E-liquid is best kept at a cool (but not cold) temperature in a dark place, so usually, a draw or cupboard in your place of accommodation will be sufficient to ensure the nicotine content of your e-liquid is unaffected by the new environment.

Vaping Etiquette Around The World

Be prepared to answer questions from all types of attitudes. Remember that vaping is still uncommon in many countries, and the locals will undoubtedly want answers to the clouds of vapour surrounding you.

Remember to always err on the side of caution and act with the same consideration you would as a guest in someone’s home. We’re not saying don’t sub-ohm, but consider if this Peruvian fruit market or Indonesian temple is really the best place to start blasting clouds.

Keep in mind as well that what you consider normal and comparable might seem alien and unsettling to others; just because you can see people smoking cigarettes outside a café in Europe it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to react well to you building some DIY coils then and there.

Thanks for reading!

We hope that this guide has been informative and has helped answer some of your questions about travelling on planes with a vape. While vaping may be more commonplace than ever, it’s always a good idea to do some prior research as to the attitudes and legalities of your intended destination.

We advise that you stick to the rules when carrying a vape on a plane and behave sensibly when required; your cravings may be frustrating, but so is a hefty fine or arrest for trafficking in contraband materials.

Be sure to keep checking in for more updates on worldwide vaping legislation and in-depth examinations on other aspects of e cigarettes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for news and reviews on the latest vaping tech and terminology. See you soon!

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