The Ultimate List of Vaping and E-cigarette Statistics

The past twelve months were another momentous year for the vaping industry – but what are the facts and figures behind its ongoing growth? We’ve put together the definitive list of e-cigarette statistics.

Vaping & E-cigarette statistics

At MIST, we’ve reviewed a number of authoritative health studies and consumer surveys to produce this comprehensive fact page.

Whilst we encourage you to visit the likes of Public Health England or Smoking in England for your own benefit, we believe this list is a handy reference guide for those seeking the most up-to-date vaping facts.

Who is using e-cigarettes?

With the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes, how many people are using them and how has this changed in recent years?

There are approximately 2.8 million people currently using e-cigarettes in Great Britain (Office for National Statistics).

Across seven countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia and South Korea), there was an 86% increase in e-cigarette users between 2013 and 2015 (Ernst & Young).

Almost one in five Brits have tried vaping (Office for National Statistics).

38% of e-cigarette users said they used their e-cigarette regularly (Ernst & Young).

In the United States, 85% of those aged 18-29 have tried e-cigarettes, compared with 22% of those aged 65 and over (Statista).

Almost one in twenty American adults now use e-cigarettes (Reuters).

Which trends are driving the e-cigarette industry?

A number of factors are contributing to the rise of the vaping industry – which products are popular with consumers, and what is the projected growth of e-cigarettes?

E-liquids are the largest revenue generating component of the e-cigarette market, responsible for 38.7% of revenue (BIS Research).

Specialist shops and online retailers account for 65% of e-cigarette refill sales (Ernst & Young).

28% of e-cigarette users surveyed around the world said tobacco was the most commonly used flavour, with botanical (23%) and fruit (20%) ranking closely behind (Ernst & Young).

In South Korea, botanical (25%) and fruit (22%) flavours are actually more popular than tobacco (Ernst & Young).

Average maximum and minimum prices for all product categories across the e-cigarette industry have remained stable (Public Health England).

There is a correlation between the price of cigarettes and the uptake of e-cigarettes – in countries with higher cigarette prices, there is a greater use of e-cigarettes (Ernst & Young).

The global e-cigarette and t-vapor market was valued at $11.43 billion in 2016, and is projected to grow to over $86 billion by 2025 (BIS Research).

What is the relationship between smokers and e-cigarettes?

How do smokers perceive e-cigarettes, and what are the wider societal factors influencing both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes?

Over half of smokers in England either falsely believe that vaping is as harmful as smoking, or simply don’t know (Public Health England).

Around 40% of smokers have never tried an e-cigarette (Public Health England).

In 2015, 37% of e-cigarette users identified themselves as ex-smokers – an increase from 31% in 2013 (Ernst & Young).

From 2010 to 2016, smoking prevalence in the UK fell by over six percent in the 18-24 age bracket (NHS Digital).

Since 2007, smoking prevalence in the UK as a whole has fallen from 24.2% to 17.2% (Smoking in England).

In 1965, 41.9% of the US population smoked cigarettes; in 2016, that figure was down to 15.7% (United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

In the UK, regular use of e-cigarettes among young people who have never smoked remains negligible – less than 1% (Public Health England).

What are the health impacts of e-cigarettes?

To what extent do e-cigarettes help people to quit smoking, and what advice on e-cigarettes is being offered by healthcare providers?

Vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes, and of negligible risk to bystanders (Public Health England).

E-cigarettes could be contributing to 20,000 fewer smokers per year in the UK (Public Health England).

The increase in e-cigarette use has been associated with an increase in success of smokers attempting to quit (British Medical Journal).

Healthcare professionals are now encouraged to advise smokers that e-cigarettes are a helpful aid for quitting (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence).

NHS Trusts are being encouraged to make e-cigarettes available in hospital shops (Public Health England).

Why are people using e-cigarettes?

What are the reasons behind the surge in e-cigarette use around the globe – are they just health-related, or are there other factors too?

Almost half of Brits said the main reason they use e-cigarettes is as an aid to stop smoking (Public Health England).

Globally, 46% said they regularly use e-cigarettes because there is no smell and it doesn’t bother people around them (Ernst & Young).

In Poland, respondents to a survey indicated the most popular reason for using e-cigarettes regularly was the range of flavours and nicotine levels available (Ernst & Young).

29.2% of Brits said the main reason they started using e-cigarettes is that they were less harmful than actual cigarettes (Public Health England).

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